Chernobor – the parasite of “NSBM”. The story of lies, kleptomania, and snitching.
- 22.03.2023 13:28
So, it's time to talk about Yuri Vasilyev ("Ragnarok Records"), formerly known as Yuri Kuzmenkov, “Chernobor”, “Yuri Wolf”. Yes, in 2016, as part of the witness protection program (“Chernobor” is an informant for the FSB, at least since 2014), he changed his passport data, hoping to cover his tracks. But let's start from the beginning:
In the late 2000s, this person appeared on the Temnozor forum as regular user and obsessive music fan, where he first became known as "Chernobor". A little later, it was there that Yura first began to position himself as a "prisoner of conscience", since he did indeed got the “political” Article 282 as a charge against him. But with an interesting neaunce. At the time of this sentence, he was already in prison, where he worked for the colony administration on a computer and had access to the internet. As it turned out later, he received his previous sentence for stealing a phone from a co-worker, and already aftar he was imprisoned for that he got charges for Article 282 while in prison for posting a leaflet about Manezhnaya square (the well-known nationalist riots in central Moscow in 2010) on social media under his own name. (Based on everything that happened later, we can conclude that he was already given the task of infiltrating into the right-wing community for intelligence work. Previously, Chernobor had only been associated with the right-wing due to his interest in “nsbm” music and his brief stint in "Tula Skins", from where he was expelled on suspicion of working for the police, snitching and lying. However, after reading the current investigation, you will find out that trusting any “info” coming from “Chernobor” is, at least, naïve, for we are speaking of a pathological liar and kleptomaniac).
"The Central District Court of Tula sentenced a local resident to one year behind the bars on Tuesday for spreading extremist statements on the social network, according to senior assistant prosecutor of the region Lyubov Kuznetsova. She clarified that at the time of the verdict, the convicted person was already serving a sentence for theft. According to the investigation, on December 15, 2010, 24-year-old Yuri Kuzmenkov posted extremist information on the website - a flyer with nationalist appeals against the backdrop of the Russian black-yellow-white imperial flag. The court found Kuzmenkov guilty under part 1 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (incitement of hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity) and sentenced him to one year of imprisonment. The agency representative also clarified that at the time of this verdict, Kuzmenkov was serving a sentence for theft. On March 1, 2010, Yuri Kuzmenkov was found guilty by a magistrate of committing a crime under part 1 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (theft), and he was sentenced to ten months of imprisonment with the serving of the sentence in a strict regime colony. On the same day, he was taken into custody in the courtroom," the prosecutor's representative explained. For the total crimes, the defendant was sentenced to one year and six months of imprisonment with the serving of the sentence in a strict regime correctional colony."
“Chernobor” was given an additional six months, after which he began actively collecting money "to help political prisoners", which really meant for himself. At that time, he was still quite unknown within the scene. So, on behalf of our community, we also provided him with some small assistance (as we did with many other unknown nationalist convicts).
Being active and persistent on social media (as a supposed "radical nationalist-socialist"), once he was released from the bars back in 2012, “Chernobor” immediately tried to infiltrate into the Moscow underground right-wing scene (primarily the subculture). It was later discovered that when he was an assistant to the administration in prison, he stole phones and some other small items from his inmates (we called people who were in that prison to check), and just a month later, he robbed his girlfriend (and mother of his child), here we are dealing with the irrational and pathological kleptomania again, because he took literally everything from her apartment - from the laptop to the light bulbs and toilet paper. But all of these happenings only became publically known two years later, in May 2013.
During that short period of time (while the most of people in the right-wing subculture had not yet realized who this person was), “Chernobor” actively communicated with all sorts of people, traveling to different cities and staying overnight at the homes of trusting individuals (later, their addresses were also in the hands of investigators, some of these people reported their possessions like mobiles, cd’s, tshirts are missing after “Chernobor”’s visits). In front of the strangers, “Chernobor”’s mythomania grew and he presented himself as a "radical guy who had been imprisoned for Right Cause", boasting about his connections with famous musicians - for example, it is known that in various circumstances, he introduced himself as a “co-author” of the band M8L8TH (who supposedly “wrote” the first album together with vocalist Alexei), a member of BlazeBirth Hall, as well as a “friend” of Eisenslav from Kroda, Mstivoy from Velimor, Gorruth from Temnozor/Walknut, Kaldrad of BlazeBirthHall and so on. Claiming he is a “friend” with well known individuals helped him to get trust of naïve younger people in the movement, who had no direct connections to check this info, so they had to be supportive and their hospitality and trust was misused by “Chernobor” many times.
photo of Boris with unknown BBH fan (2010?)
In the most of ocassions he wasn't even personally familiar with the people whose name he used as a cover. For the sake of his image, he tried to take joint photos with famous people (for example, there is a photo with Boris, who at the time did not even realized who was that person in front of him, except for another fan who asked for a joint photo at a gig), these photos where meant to somehow “confirm” “Chernobor”s “belonging” to the “inner circle” of the right-wing movement and scene. This is how he ended up at various events, from where once again some items and some money inevitably “disappeared” later.
Each time, ”Chernobor” tried to simulate his “membership” in one or another group of people - first the "Tula Skins" (from which he was quickly expelled), then a fictional membership in the St. Petersburg group "Totenkopf", then "WotanJugend" (“Chernobor” even printed himself a T-shirt with the logo and claimed to be an active “event organizer”), and a few years later after being caught and beaten up ( he briefly joined an alternative circle of interests and a VK public group named "WotansVolk", supposedly (well, you know) “blessed” by David Lane's associates from the USA (these people, with whom Yura tried to establish an organisation cell, were also petty robbed while he was their guest and few years later searched and arrested by the police for political crimes).
It is worth noting that at the first major ASGARDSREI festival (which took place in December 2012, when almost no one had heard of “Chernobor” story yet), Yuri begged for the right to film the concert and the closed dark-folk part of the festival on a video camera. By 2016, during the persecution of our associates, this video recording mystically appeared in the hands of FSB and was shown by FSB officers during interrogations as a proof of “witness”. A small detail is also the fact that in a small basement club where the “private” part of the festival took place in December 2012, the cash register with a sum of approximately $500 disappeared overnight after “Chernobor” was around, and now it is completely clear how and why it happened.
By the way,during this fest, serious questions arose about “Chernobor” - at that time, he was wearing a "Totenkopf" t-shirt, which only members of that group were allowed to wear. As it turned out, Yura had stolen this tshirt during a night spent at their place as a guest. Strangely enough, he wasn't beaten up at the concert, but was only grabbed by the neck and forced to take off the t-shirt. But that was just the beginning.
In May 2013, after numerous instances of unhealthy behavior, lies, and intrigue online (what was on the surface), “Chernobor” was invited to a meeting, from which he ran out into the street, where he was caught and beaten by Gorruth from Temnozor. Information in Russian is available in this video prelude to “Chernobor”s attempted escape and following punishment -
After this incident, “Chernobor” was beaten several times again and kicked out of various concerts, and random people on the street would just catch him. He was forced to publically apologize for his lies, but you can’t teach an old dog the new tricks. However Yura surely had to learn to run really fast.
After this initial exposure, all kinds of people came forward and exposed their own experience connected to “Chernobor” – and once again it was theft, lies, intrigues (One of “Chernobor”'s former acquaintances also reported on a paper notebook in which Yura recorded data on scene participants (home addresses, phones, other personal details and rumours he heard. Now it's completely clear what purpose he had in mind for that). This person turned out to be a real kleptomaniac and an obsessive fan of the NSBM scene, rejected by his idols - from Boris Kaldrad to Alexey from M8L8TH. So, from that moment “Chernobor” began to take a perverted “revenge” on everyone who “rejected” him to the best of his pathetic abilities.
In 2014, the post-Soviet space was shaken by the nationalistic renaissance of the Maidan. It was then that “Chernobor” proved fully “useful” for his owners - he became an active secret witness in uncovering pro-Ukrainian sentiments among right-wing radicals in Russia. As a result of his reports, numerous searches and persecutions of decent people took place in 2016, and it was then that Yuri Kuzmenkov changed his surname to Vasiliev.
Of course, none of us have seen “Chernobor” in person since 2013, but it was during this period that he made the most significant actions in his life: at least since 2014, we know that he became a secret agent of the FSB, and it was in this role that he gained access to Boris Kaldrad's and BlazeBirthHall email boxes (which was carelessly registered and stored on a Russian domain associated with pro-governmental company owners). In 2014, Boris was not involved in public political activities, so it is likely that Chernobor lied to his FSB handlers, claiming that Boris was associated with other "pro-Ukrainian" (i.e. revolutionary) right-wing groups in order to gain access to the desired email (just like he did with tens of other hacked email boxes). All right-wing resources actively wrote about this episode of persecution, such as and (articles can be read using auto-translation)
It was from there that Chernobor obtained an outdated (without the more recent registration stamp) scan of Boris passport and some layout designs for BlazeBirth Hall titles.
After 2014, repression against non-system right-winged groups in Russia began to grow, and Chernobor found it easier to engage in his dirty business (for example, there are simply no old fighters left in Russia who could deal with his matter. Everyone is intimidated by the government). Taking advantage of this, Yuri actively began to search for former musicians from Boris's circle who worked with him in the 90s and then went on to live an ordinary life or were kicked away by Kaldrad. Chernobor succeeded in this, in 2017-2018 he, with the help of another freak named “Moroth” found Vitaliy Danilov (“Dagorath” from Rundagor), who was forgotten by everyone, and literally resurrected him in an attempt to become the manager of the "new BlazeBirth Hall from AliExpress" fraud which included “Dagorath”, former session drummer Ivan “Wizard” and Vladislav “Moroth” Tretyak (the latter was never a part of BlazeBirthall, just hanged around for a short time back in 2000-2001 and asked Kaldrad to record bass for his demo, which was later used as his claim for being a part of BBH). He finds drunkards, losers and outcasts, promises them money, fame and “revenge” against people who offended them and starts a new fraud looking for the people who will buy his lies.
Such a trickily planed “revenge” against those who rejected “Chernobor”s was nothing new in history of Yuri’s lies and frauds, as in 2012 he had already tried to do the same thing with old ex-musicians of Temnozor’. These two people from the band's first lineup in 1998 had long been leading an ordinary life, but in the middle of 2012 they appeared online claiming the band's name. Of course, nothing came out of it, and they never crossed paths with “Chernobor”. In any case, these musicians were afraid of consequences, plainly dumb and incapable of creativity due to the heavy drinking, drug abuse and the lack of involvement into metal scene for the last decades, so this story was quickly forgotten, but this “concept” later became “Chernobor”s new scheme in creating a new fraud.
However, with the attempt to undermine the true history of BBH and Kaldrad, this petty trick was repeated with much more specific and perverted efforts, and therefore lead to the situation when a lot of people (mostly foreigners or newcomers not fully aware of the real story and happenings) were deceived. The fraudster “Chernobor” has even fulfilled his enterprize of “selling” Kaldrad’s “copyrights” to some naïve and misinformed or just greedy people abroad, where not everyone knew about the “reputation” of the once offended loser and coward Yuri Vasilyev-Kuzmenkov has everywhere in Russia (former inmates whose phones Yuri stole in prison named him a low status “prison faggot bitch”).
Moroth of Sternatis (in the center of the photo) and Dagorath from Rundagor (on the right in the photo)
As stated by Kaldrad, “Dagorath” had no right to BlazeBirth Hall’s name and had been disassociated from it more than 20 years ago. Nevertheless, Vitaly “Dagorath” together with an obvious wannabe “Moroth” (of Sternatis) was involved with “Chernobor” in this dirty fraud and is forever dishonoured by this conspiracy of lies, impersonation, distorion of facts, fake documents forging and juggling.
Everything concerning Kaldrad's true attitude towards all these individuals can be discovered at the following link or
It is also worth noting that from 2015 to 2018, “Chernobor” attempted to infiltrate the ranks of German right-wing groups, this time it happened to the individuals among OPOS records circles. By buying their CDs and merch branded as “Our Family”, “Chernobor” attempted to impersonate as an "old-school right-winger" in order to carry out his dirty business with new acquaintances. As far as it is known currently, these attempts also predictably ended in failure.
In Germany, people spread such information about Chernobor
Despite the setbacks, by 2021 “Chernobor” still managed to reach a “new level” of his enterprize of lies and greed. Two years after Kaldrad's death, Yuri continued to tarnish his memory with renewed enthuiasm by creating the bootleg label "Ragnarok Records" (better known as Ratnarok). Trying to justify the bootlegs of early Forest with at least any kind “legitimacy”, he claimed the approval of former band member “Dagorath” and the former drummer “Wizard”, in attempt to cover up the fact, that the BlazeBirth Hall leader and the only remained member Kaldrad never agreed to that and, moreover, always prevented any attempts of “Chernobor” to lay his hands on Forest and Branikald material.
In this regard we also need to mention a person named Dennis Schoener from Hammerbund Records, also known as the drummer of Totenburg, who we personally knew once. Unfortunately for his reputation and possible future health complications, Dennis gave in to the temptation of easy money from the BBH bootlegs and began collaborating with “Chernobor” in 2020, releasing early Forest albums and generally assisting “Chernobor”
in his “new BlazeBirthHall from Aliexpress” fraud. Dennis is fully conscious aboit what he's doing, we've corresponded with him, but he insists that he "paid copyright fees to Yuri Kuzmenkov, and that's a lot of money!")
Moroth from Sternatis and Chernobor
Chernobor's subsequent explanations are now even more ridiculous than before, and they go like this: as soon as “Chernobor” was recently once again publically exposed as a thief and bootlegger, he “miraclously” found and published the forged “contract” claiming that Kaldrad sold him the rights to all of BBH titles for 150,000 rubles (something around $2,000) back in 2016, and now the thief, prison faggot, and scumbag (according to Kaldrad's own words) Yuri “Chernobor” is the "owner of BlazeBirth Hall"! It was a miracle that such wonderful and damn sure paper “existed” for all these years since 2016, but was never shown by “Chernobor” to the publc while Kaldrad was alive.
Perhaps “Chernobor” is just too shy? We are surely not and would gladly publish the truth. So here a full transcript of what Kaldrad thought about this impostor and the fraud. or
One could say it won’t be an easy task to find such a naïve fool who would believe in all this “new BBH owner” nonsense, but “Chernobor” managed to find his luck in this matter. In 2022, Yura found a seemingly retarded “NSBM” fan in Italy called Matteo Richiardi who runs Asrar records paying for “evil nazi Black Metal stuff” with money from his rich dads – this person was known for his foolish hunt for re-releasing old gems and generally being light-fingered and careless in this matter, so Yura fooled him and “sold” the imaginary "BBH copyrights" to Asrar. There's probably no need for further explaination of the degree of this caricature. The victim of this fraud, Matteo, couldn't immediately accept his fate, as he paid money to a random person and found himself as the biggest imbecile of the 21st century on the whole “NSBM scene”. Yes, Matteo was warned that he had entered into a shameful business with a well-known freak and fraudster, but in order to hide the agony of his deceived yet greedy soul, he continues to seek the justification for this humiliation he got himself into. After several months of being an object of shaming (from private correspondence to social media, forums and chats), Matteo sent out detailed apologies for his behaviour to the circle of people involved, but it didn't take long for him to continue justifying payment for Chernobor's services once again, like a hysterical woman on her period. Ironically, now the "integrity of Chernobor" is evidenced by aforementioned forged “contract” with faked “signature” and stolen old scan of Kaldrad's passport, according to which he allegedly sold Chernobor the rights to the entire BlazeBirth Hall for… we need to underline it once again: 150,000 rubles (2000 $). And, of course, the issue is not in the ridiculously small amount, but in a simple fact that any interactions between Kaldrad and the rejected and humiliated freak Yuri “Chernobor” are basically impossible.
Fake ridiculous "agreement" between Boris and Chernobor, which was distributed by Asrar
So, Matteo Richiardi from Asrar Records (he is also an owner of “nsbm” band called Atesh) became a fully conscious accomplice of the fraud and falsification of papers against dead comrade Kaldrad.
The story will continue!
Chernobor today